

I read with much glee the headlines in todays paper! The one I am refering to of course was the one about the drug bust. I have been amazed that it took all these years to finally crack down on these people who have been pedaling these deadly substances with virtual impunity! Great job Chief Carlone and the rest of the Police Department, it has been too long coming! Keep up the good work and catch the REST of these no good, low life, "bastards" whoever they are, who are feeding this crap to our kids! If this was Ecquador, those two guys would be a pile of festering meat in front of a wall right now for just having had it in their possession! It is instant death down there and if it was that way here also, the drug problem would almost disappear of its own volition. Is that last, a bit over the top or what? TFIN Everett


Anonymous said...

Hey Everette. We can't get the times until thsy put in on the Web. didn't we have this problem last year? What happened?

Everett said...

Hi 11:01 anony.... Yeah we did have this problem last year and for many before that. Apparently our wonderful judges didn't see virtually the same amount of contraband as last year as a problem. I would have thought if you had that much in your possession, $11K, it wasn't for "personal use", but meant for sale to others. Lock 'em up and throw the keys away! I'd rather have them in there than out here selling to the kids. And, I use the term loosely where it applys, 'adults'! Everett

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to see the bust. Our new Chief is actually doing his job not just trying to make himself look important like slick willie used to do.

The Police Department is on the right track for the first time in a long time. Kudos to the Department. And to the 50-60 people they estimated were the purchasers (according to Projo) you might want to start thinking about kicking the habit.

Anonymous said...

This is a Good bust. The dirty basterds from last year should have been enough example for this dirty scumbag.

It is not enough for these low lifes to come to our country and take advantege of our economy and live the high life on americas soil, but to have to go so far as to spoil there stay by ripping off the children by selling them a poor stepped on product.

"if i take $11K worth of smack and five bottles of asprin wow i have $22K worth, since i am on a island with no police force i can charge 2 - 3 times what its worth and not get caught."

Well guess what you piece of sh*t you got caught and there IS a police force with a damn good chief.

Chief Carlone: Kudos to you Sir!!

Keep the kids off drugs, keep them in school and off the streets. Don't let them run around drinking and driving. Stop them from breaking into houses to steal alcohol. Don't cover up for them when they hurt each other. Let them learn from the mistakes.

Sam said...

Wow that last one was wierd, but I applaud Mr. Carlone and I thought by looking at him that he would be the right man - no offense to the previous Chief.

Perhaps Everette would also grapple with the BI history a little bit, not to take anything away from Carlone's success story, but BI used to have a sordid history of sorts. A major rum-running operation during Prohibition. Ship breaking used to be a big business, and sometimes the islanders helped move the lights so the booty increased a little. Some folks still have the name plates from old schooners and steamers who were wrecked this way. They display them today over their damned barn doors for cryin' out loud. Talk about civic pride, BI was always a pirate nation of sorts. Heck, they even supported King George at times during the Revolutionary War, whenever required.

Sure, it was a little different when the hippies showed up with all their free love and dope thing. The Islanders weren't making a dime off that and it really pissed them off. Remember the old Tuna Club? The hippies trashed it and eventually burned it down. Gosh, the town founders simply couldn't out-do that, so they went vitriolic and hyperbolic against the damned hippies and their damned drugs.

I wouldn't disagree with this position in the least - but didn't I get the past history partially right, at least? The Roses, Dodges, and Littlefields and other founders were sorta living on the edge of the law for a while, themselves, weren't they?

Anonymous said...

To Island Avenger
I was shocked and surprises to read Willy and his brother had 50-60 clients on BI. I am certain not all of them were children. If no one bought the stuff, he couldn't sell it. But that is not why I write. I find it dispicable when people bring someone's family members into the fight. Say what you will about Willy, but his wife was not charged. And as any married person knows, we don't always have control over what our spouses are doing. His wife faces raising a beautiful child by herself because her husband screwed up. Lets not embarrass her further by insulting her appearance, I think she is a beautiful woman and a hard worker. And hopefully she will be able to move on with her life.

Anonymous said...

After reading some of the comments about the latest drug bust, I have a couple of my own. How is it that his wife didn't know what was going on? Playing the pathetic unassuming victim in all this. Give me a break already, they've obviously been in this country long enough to figure out how things work. The flashy cars and trucks , a house (affordable but not cheap) on the island, lots of cash. Doesn't something seems a little funny? I work hard all year and I still don't have all that. If I knew he was dealing drugs, there's no way his wife didn't. I'm glad to see we're letting losers like this take affordable housing from people who really deserve it like teachers, town workers and families.

Anonymous said...

Back to the 8:28am anony

I too was shocked and surprised to read they had 50-60 clients on BI because that means they either missed 40 –50 of them or the Block Island times erased the names. I never said they where all children either. But if you would like I can give you some of the names of the kids that should be placed of a knee and paddled like they have never been paddled before.

What I find despicable is when people like Willie and Co comes around flashing his trucks and cars buying up businesses to make a front for a drug ring. I will say what I say about Willie and I will also say about his pig. You can’t tell me for one second that she did not know what was happening. She should be hauled off to Cranston and deported with him. In the mean time there ugly kid should be put on the next raft back to where ever it came from. She does not face raising the kid by her self because Willie messed up. She faces it because they made the choice to traffic a large amount of Controlled substance, which is a felony. So don’t commit the crime if you can’t do the time. If she does not get charged and sent away she should loose her affordable housing since she does not need to be there any more. She can find a nice affordable place is Providence or war’ick . I don’t care if she moves on with her life or not as long as the feds take everything he bought with drug money she can move off and never come back for all I care.

Chief Carlone Kudos to you and your Department once again.

Anonymous said...

"If I knew he was dealing drugs, there's no way his wife didn't."
What did you do about it? If you knew, I am guessing you must be the person who tipped off the cops.

Just like wives don't know when their husbands are having affairs, sometimes wives don't know their husbands are dealing cocaine. Unlike his 50-60 clients, he obviously wasn't doing the cocaine or he wouldn't have had the cars, etc.
I am not saying she did or didn't know, just take it easy. What if the Island kids are reading this? We don't need to be pornographic here.

Anonymous said...

Also, kids, let the previous message be a constant reminder to stay in school, and PLEASE, pay attention in grammar, spelling and punctuation class. You wouldn't want to be unable to write a coherent sentence.

Anonymous said...

Island Avenger. For the record 5:23 anony here. I didn't write the last post you get your back up about. There are a few of us out here.
I have figured out your problem. Either you were one of Willy's clients or his competition, or at very least a user yourself.. Otherwise, why would you know so much about his low grade products and who his clients are?
Second, you obviously hate women. I am sure you'd like to date them but either can't or treat them so badly they don't stick around.
If the above isn't true then you are in High School. You are a frustrated teenager with, who has nothing better to do than rail against the world.
You can't lay judgement on people when it is obvious you have lots of knowledge of drugs and the lingo. Real mature the whole bit about your new .45. Why don't you focus your anger on something positive? You would probably get yourself out of this cycle of anger. It's great you want to be involved in a community discussion, get serious and contribute something worthwhile.
PS Listening to Sublime (the lead singer of Sublime died of an overdose) and Snoop Dog and Eminem might not be a good idea at your impressionable age. I always hate it when kids aspire to the ghetto when they live a middle class lifestyle. (Even if you think you are poor, if you live on BI, you're not.)

Anonymous said...

Everett, I'd like to suggest that you assert yourself as the host of this blog and edit out extremely personal rants that are off topic. The physical appearance of the child and wife of an accused dope dealer have nothing to do with his actions. The rant about using a 45 (what, big guy, no Glock?), to shove down someone's throat etc. etc. contributes nothing.

Having said that I would like to know how they the accused drug dealer got his family into affordable housing so quickly? Or how other people in "affordable housing" own new Saabs with MA plates, run a branch of their business on Marthas Vineyard (or is the gallery on Nantucket?), etc.

As your blog becomes so popular have you ever considered having a discussion board with thread? Take a look at www.Monhegan.com or www.MonheganIsland.com for an example. How about also a like to NOAA weather so if we are off island we could check the weather?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Everett said...

I write this now to ask that Island Avenger and a couple of the anony's tone down the rhetoric a little. We now know how you all feel about the parties involved so there is no need to belabor the point forever. Yes, it was a good job done by the BIPD, but it is time to move on to the next group who will wish to fill this particular vacuum. If you see anything that looks like a drug sale, drop the dime! If I saw it I most certainly would, but probably wouldn't recognize it for what it was! BTW all, thanks to all for their comments on all the posts. It is nice to see that there really are people out there that care about what goes on good old BI. TIFN Everett

Anonymous said...

Aside from the obvious antiquated prejudice that Island Avenger has for anyone not born of this soil - which is the majority of most of our ancestors - I would like to point out that not all drug dealers - even the ones on BI - are of other nationalities. There's plenty of good ol' Americans selling here as well.

I would also ask Everett to delete extremely offensive comments from hate filled individuals referring to people's appearances and attacking others only for the thrill of doing so anonymously and offending all those who read them. It is not necessary to publish Columbine-esque gun rants in a public forum.

Anonymous said...

You can't put the genie back in bottle.

Anonymous said...

Alas, you are absolutely correct.

Anonymous said...

While this really has little to do with the...fascinating...discussion going on here, I would like to make an aside to the 6:30 pm anonymous who mentioned "even if you think you are poor - if you live on Block Island, you're not". If you look at my name, you'll realize I know whereof I speak when I say that I beg to differ.

Anonymous said...

I guess poor is a relative term. If you are comparing yourself to the millionaires on BI, you might think you're poor, but once again, I say you are not.

This was sent to me via e-mail. Please note the last line.
If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following:
There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south
8 Africans

52 would be female
48 would be male

70 would be non-white
30 would be white

70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian

89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual

6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the United States.

80 would live in substandard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth
1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education
1 would own a computer

When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent.

The following is also something to ponder...

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness...you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation ...you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death...you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep...you are richer than 70% of this world.

Everett said...

Hi All, well it took me two days of screwing around but I was finally able to remove a couple of the most objectionable comments and a couple of extra posts. Island Avenger, the removal of your comments was not meant to say that you cannot continue to put your thoughts out there on this blog. I am happy to see them. Just think them thru before you post, and what the unintended consequences of your statement might bring! I intended this blog to be a place where all hands could have a say unimpeded by censorship, but verbally 'dissing' someone because of the way they look, or their "previous" nationality goes just too far past what is socially acceptable. At least in my book. Hell, I could be next on the 'looks' HIT parade! As I said, I'm glad to have you aboard, and keep all the comments coming. In response to Lobsta,(now THAT one has me wondering) I like the idea of the discussion board and will try and se if I can get it done in the near future. TIFN Everett

Anonymous said...

to the 6:30

First the woman thing I only ent into deep detail about the woman because of the posts saying dont talk about her.

Next I am not a kid although I wish I was again so I do not go tothe BI school.

I have had the same girlfriend for more then 2 years now and I love her 100%.

I am not willies competition or client. I am have been clean and drug free for well over a year now. Yes I know my lingoe from a small past with a few of the vices out there.

I never sold or gave any child any drugs. 18 and up check ID!

now about the gun thing I am glad to see you know where the lyric came from good job. In the next post after that Some one makes a Glock Reffernce. .45 - Glock no thay have no relation to each other except Glock makes three different models of .45's. So buy saying my .45 I could be saying my glock big guy.

As far the cycle of anger what made me angry was seeing 3 pieces of garbage giving drugs to the kids. That made me angry. What made me happy was to see the arrest and conviction. Like I said I could have went in there and shut there opperation down pouring the coke and pot down the toilet and taking the money. What would thay have done got a Glock of thier own? They would have needed someone to untie them first.

Mr.Litlefield Thank you for giving us this blog. I am sorry you pulled a bruce and edited it though. I also can't find the whole post about bipco did you kill that also or did someone from out side do it? I seen the problems the weak readers where having a few day ago and I created a blog with the ideal of no editing and no censorship.


everit I don't blame you for cutting the posts I blame the socially weak.

Anonymous said...

to the 6:30

First the woman thing I only ent into deep detail about the woman because of the posts saying dont talk about her.

Next I am not a kid although I wish I was again so I do not go tothe BI school.

I have had the same girlfriend for more then 2 years now and I love her 100%.

I am not willies competition or client. I have been clean and drug free for well over a year now. Yes I know my lingoe from a small past with a few of the vices out there.

I never sold or gave any child any drugs. 18 and up check ID!

now about the gun thing I am glad to see you know where the lyric came from good job. In the next post after that Some one makes a Glock Reffernce. .45 - Glock no thay have no relation to each other except Glock makes three different models of .45's. So buy saying my .45 I could be saying my glock big guy.

As far the cycle of anger what made me angry was seeing 3 pieces of garbage giving drugs to the kids. That made me angry. What made me happy was to see the arrest and conviction. Like I said I could have went in there and shut there opperation down pouring the coke and pot down the toilet and taking the money. What would thay have done got a Glock of thier own? They would have needed someone to untie them first.

Mr.Litlefield Thank you for giving us this blog. I am sorry you pulled a bruce and edited it though. I also can't find the whole post about bipco did you kill that also or did someone from out side do it? I seen the problems the weak readers where having a few day ago and I created a blog with the ideal of no editing and no censorship.


everit I don't blame you for cutting the posts I blame the socially weak.