
New Blog on the Block

Hey all you Bloggers out there, there is another point of view out there now and it is called, Block Island Blog. To get to it just type in, www.blockislandblog.blogspot.com in the search space. It will come up and say no info available, but drop down one line and go all the way right and click on the purple! Bingo! Give her/him some support. TFIN Everett


Anonymous said...

This is about the block island electric co .We own a summer home on the island and cannot belive what goes on at this monopoly . Our house is completely shut down this winter we have always rented it out in the past winters to young locals .There is nothing running but a 3yr old fridge that is energy star rated . Our electric bills run $42-45 each month and when I question the company the tell me they can't read the meter , too much snow on the ground so they just guess and bill us , when are people going to get tired of this type of attitude you would think our home was in the south pole .

Anonymous said...

I would suggest to you the following:
(1) remove the snow from the area around your meter. If you can't be bothered with showing up to make your meter accessible, why would you think BIPCo would go out of its way to read your meter?
(2) if your bill is so expensive, you have more than a refrigereator running on your meter.
(3) did you bother to fill your empty refrigerator with ballast? even an energystar/energysaver refrigerator will not be economical if it is running and empty.
(4) Where do you live that the local power company isn't a monopoly? If you live in Providence, Narragansett Electric is your only option for electricity. Can you name a town in New England where people can pick and choose who they get their power from?
(5) Yes our rates are high. Yes BIPCo will do what it can to control the way they pay out for KwH produced by alternative energy sources, they are in business to make money and have never pretended to be a 501c entity.

Don't waste anyone's time with your silliness when the point Mr. Littlefield was making should be more properly addressed. Everett, I would suggest that the issue be brought before the PUC as a cooperative effort. Now, there is not an abundance of folks here who have had the ambition combined with the income to purchase an alternative energy system. An incentive, like a net meter approach if worth pursuing. Keep bringing the issue before the PUC, get some more information behind the argument for net metering. If BIPCo claims that it would put them out of business, which is blatantly not true, then why hasn't a concerted effort to prove the reverse not been mounted. Clearly, BIPCo would need to receive more energy than they need to supply.
The question to be answered is this: how much does it cost them to make 1 Kwh of electricity to sell? Does it cost them less than the 8 or 9 cents they are paying you? If it does, then why are they charging me so much money for my KwH usage? This is the point at which the argument that alternative energy production buyback would threaten BIPCo's solvancy looses its sustainability.
There are few production costs associated with this energy - what is the true cost of receiving the energy and then sending it out to other customers? What is the true cost of storing this energy? Is BIPCo really saying that its cheaper to charter the ferry to get their fuel trucks here and to run and maintain their generator?
I refuse to suspend my good common sense. If Mr. McGinnes' argument convinced the PUC, then I think that the proponent argument for net meters was insufficient.

Anonymous said...

to the 11:59am post.

You should get out the pants of BIPCo.either you trying to get free power, you are one of BIPCo's looser henchmen or you just like keeping there dingle dangles warm over the long cold winter. Every company is in it to win it or for the money. But it is wrong to rip people off the way BIPCo does. The town should take the power compony over and reform the whole system. We just guessed. You guessed you lazy basteds get your lazy fat asses out of the truck and read the meter. Send Cliff Jr he does not do anything except pretend to run the gas station.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I pulled the trigger too soon but it is fixed now disregard the last post

You should get out of the pants of BIPCo. You are trying to get free power, you are one of BIPCo's looser henchmen or you just like keeping their dingle dangles warm over the long cold winter. Every company is in it to win it or for the money. But it is wrong to rip people off the way BIPCo does. The town should take the power company over and reform the whole system. We just guessed. You guessed you lazy bustards get your lazy fat Asses out of the truck and read the meter. Send Cliff Jr he does not do anything except pretend to run the gas station.

blockislandblog said...

Don't mean to complain but...wasn't this supposed to be about me? ( ; - )

Everett said...

Hi BIB, Yes this one was supposed to be about your site. I guess the first person was so anxious to get going they just picked the wrong blog to comment on. It should have been under the Bipco one I think Sorry! Everett

Anonymous said...

Yeah, have the town run BIPCO, great idea! They can create fifteen jobs when only 5 are needed and the tax payer will once again me left to come up with the funds for Nancy Dodge's mismanagment.

Anonymous said...

everett, what do you think about a new marina in old harbor. What do your loyal readers think? are those damn Filippi's up to no good or is it something worthwhile?