Been gone for a while as I am spending quite a lot of time in that HOTEL out in front of my house!! The sheet rocking and taping of the joints where the boxes came together is all done and awaiting the paint. The floors on both levels now have their covering installed. It looks like oak flooring but is a composite material that just snaps together like a puzzle. It sits on top of a layer of some sort of foam and this gives the floor a bit of resilience so that it doesn't feel like cement! Door thresholds are all in except for two on main floor. Home made out of 3/4 inch red oak, screwed and plugged and four coated with poly-U.
All the doors and room baseboards are trimmed and waiting paint. No cellar stairs from the inside yet. All the exterior covering is sitting on the stringers! Up stairs bathroom is awaiting it's finish till the rest of house is complete. Bottom floor one is getting it's tile put down as I write this. Electric service entrance and meter receptacle are ready and waiting for the wires from the pole and the meter.
As you can see driving by, the corner boards and trim are in the process of installation as well as the Hardi-board siding. It is going kind of slow, but with all the starts and stops to take care of "other" business interests, it continues apace. That stuff is pretty amazing. It is made out of cement and some sort of fiber that gives it strength and flexibility. It is cut when necessary, from the back side and the cutting tool of choice looks and acts just like a pair of metal cutting "nibbler" shears! It cuts a pretty darn straight line too, as long as your hand is fairly steady! Supposed to last forever but who knows, haven't met anyone who has been around for that long yet, although I'm trying.
All the plumbing materials are in the basement and are crawling around on the floor sorting themselves out and lining themselves up so that all we have to do is to apply a little glue and some strategically placed hangars, and viola! Water! Now I do understand that water and electricity don't mix well, so we are doing our best to keep them separated and in their respective conduits.
Having worked with Bob Rose on a house or two after I had retired from the Navy, and having done some remodeling on my house, I thought I knew about how long it would take to finish the "putting together" of this modular house. NOT SO! It took those house setter guys just six hours to place the thing on the foundation, a few more to screw it together, and then they were gone! From the rate of progress that we are advancing, it will probably be another few weeks before we are done!! Then there is the landscaping to be done and in which I am having NO PART! Shovels and rakes don't fit my hand too good anymore.
Kirk invites anyone interested to stop by for a tour of the hotel if you are so inclined. Been about a hundred so far! TIFN
3-6-25 daily log, spoke too soon.
16 hours ago
What, no pictures or virtual tour?
A picture would be nice ...
Geez, picky,picky,picky! Ok I give. I'll try the pix trix tomorrow as I can't work on it for a few days. I, ah, ahem, took a header off my moped this AM right here in the yard and landed on the left shoulder which has since become temporarily in-operative. I tried to goose it to get through a sprinkler without getting wet, also while beginning a hard left turn. The back end tried to catch up with the front end and I landed on my head shaped ass and shoulder! Oh well, I needed a vacation anyhow.
Didn't you used to be the Captain of the Rescue Squad? And, vacations in pain are NOT vacations!
oh, Ev...
Maybe we shouldn't have asked for pics, Warbler?
Hey Everett how about one of those propane golf carts with big tires and legal for the road? Club Car and others make them ... nice roof and a windshield, too!
Take care and keep us informed how the "hotel" is coming along...
Well I got the pictures taken and onto the computer, using Picasa, but I'm damned if I can get them on the blog! I'm still using 'Blogspot' and it just does not upload them from Picasa which is Googles picture thingy. So then I opened a Picasa web album and uploaded all the pic's too there. It gives you a long address as a link to click on but it "doan do nuttin"!
Hey Sam How do you get all those pictures on your blog so easy? Or is it easy? I'm totally lost here, or else blogspot is just being obtuse 'cause it knows it's got a dummy on the hook
Hi I was with Everett when he was trying to put the pictures on his computer and it was for him tough becase he was trying to use his left arm (the one he hurt)to type. It took a very long time and finaly he got it.
Alright Pinkie!
Anyway, save a picture or two to your disk drive, like "my pictures" or something.
The new version of Blogger allows you to attach pictures directly. Click on "new post" and hit the picture icon.
The "add image" button is to the right in between the ABC button and the eraser on the toolbar thingy.
A box should pop open and you'll see "add image from computer on the top left." Browse until you find what you want.
Hit upload and you should eventually see the picture at the top of the new page.
Hope this helps!
Roses are red everetts arm is blue he
landed on his shoulder mabye you will to.Pinky helped me write this touching poem.
Anyone who knows who I am keep it on the DL (down low).
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