Well here is another instance of our wonderful Town Council showing their true colors! When the guy who is doing the paving of High Street came before them to get permission to set up his asphalt making plant,TEMPORARILY, in the sandpit on the west side, they told him, " sure bring it right over, you don't need a permit for it." After it had sat there for a few weeks in it's component parts, a few,three or four, of the neighbors decided they didn't like the look of it and for some reason that they pulled out of their asses, made a big stink about how awful it looked and how smelly it was going to be when it went into operation! Well the thing gives off less odor than some of the big deisel trucks that ply the roads around here on a daily basis. So anyway, because the paving contractor, Miozzi Paving, knew he wasn't going to make much money by doing just High Street, he thought he could make it worth his while if he could pick up a few driveway jobs while he was here. Now all of a sudden, either this pussy town council, or the incompetent Town manager or both in COLLUSION, notified Miozzi that he would have to have a permit from the Town in order to do any PRIVATE paving jobs here on the Island!! Can you believe that they are so damned two-faced and spineless,and hypocritical, that they would let those two or three people with the loud mouths, stampede them into such an odiferious,( that means it stinks to high hell!) decision? This reeks of Bob Smith and Mrs.Dodge! It must be a lawyer thing. I would bet all the money that I have that this behind closed doors, and last minute screwing of a private contractor was perpatrated by the two of them on their own. Haven't seen anything about this in the minutes of any of the previous council meetings which is what leads me to believe it is strictly their doing, or that maybe we are again having illegal meetings and decisions emanating from the council chambers. And by the way, having the plant set up on the Island has saved the Town somewhere in the neighborhood of $21K on just the High Street project! This is just the worst case and form of ingratitude I've seen in a long time. Geez, I wonder if it had anything to do with the Depot parking lot being paved? Seems like that instance got some peoples noses bent out of shape 'cause THEY didn't get to vote on it. This town and most all of it's boards have become havens for those people with Bonaparte complexes and their over-riding desire to control and have a say in EVERY stupid little action that takes place. I am fed up to the gills with all the Assholes who have arrived here on the Island over the years and think that we hick's living here are unable to survive with out their visionary and enlightened leadership!! Jesus H Christ, go back where you came from and leave us the hell alone! We did alright for 300-400 years. TIFN
Up next: What's this "secret", letter of agreement that has been bandied back and forth between the town manager and some un-named conservation group. How bad is it that it has to be discussed behind closed doors and in executive session? Would it not be in the best intrests of the people of the town to have it discussed openly? I'll be back when I know something of what's happening! Toodle!
I'm not nice before coffee...
17 minutes ago
Just for the record, it was 40K that was saved by having the plant here and the kicker is, that the Town still has a number of paving projects in mind - like more entrance aprons to Town roads and possibly Water St. and Dodge St. (not that they need it or anything). It's probably a moot point though since Steve McQueeny announced that Tom Miozzi, Joe Sprague, Cindy and Stan Geer and the whole Town Council were going to prison because the Depot parking lot was paved with a test batch of asphalt! As for the people in the glass houses who are throwing stones, I question the original assent to run a business in a residential zone confining it to plants raised exclusively in the greenhouse and I question the reluctance of a bar owner to put the sprinkler system in the club (which by the way, has a deadline of July 1. It seemed to make sense to put the asphalt plant in a gravel pit where the raw materials are, but I guess they could have set it up in the boat parking lot like they did last time. Yes, at times it seems to be quite frustrating to try to make an honest living...
I think the problem is the town manager. At the meeting last night she informed the council that the paving plant would be shut down for the summer and that Miozzi would be looking for a permit when he started again. It didn't sound anything like what your blog states. I don't know the whole story since I haven't talked to the company involved. I know how the TM tries to smooth things over and tries to turn everything in her favor.
What really amazes me is that anyone believes her anymore.
At the end of your comment about the above, you mentioned a "secret agreement". I think you may have been talking about the Black Rock Memorandum of Understanding that was also on the agenda last night. According to the TM the town doesn't own Black Rock Rd. or any of the property in that area,and we only take care of the parking lot and signage. She also said that according to the Town Charter that she had the right to sign this document. She stated that this item was discussed at previous meetings.I think that most people had a concern that the TM overstepped her authority when she DID NOT consult the Council before signing this agreement.By the way it was signed Dec.22, 05. I made two comments to the Council and asked one question.
1.I had checked all the agendas of all the meetings since 1/01/05 to date and nowhere was there any mention of this agreement. I also attended all but two meetings and this item was never mentioned during any of the TM reports. 2. I asked why the town was involved in this if we were not property owners and had no right of way thru this property? My last comment was that, I read the Town Charter covering the duties of the TM and nowhere does it give the TM the right to sigh a legal document for the town without the advise and concent of the Town Council. There was no comment to that statement.( BTW I always have a copy of the Charter with me when I attend meetings.)
What would Sam Mott do?
What a sad sad state of affairs. Who else is going to run for council?
I think the Republican Town Committee had a meeting last night to try and get someone to run for a seat or two. Don't know the outcome yet, but it is nigh impossible to get anyone without a personal agenda or a god complex to run for an office because it has turned into way more than it was ever intended to be. When we went to the Town Manager form of daily govt. that entity was to run the town with oversite and policy decisions to be done by the Council. Well e few of them,councilors, have deemed themselves indespensible to the running of the town and have injected themselves into the minutae of the daily operations. This town was running along on a grand scale until Martha Ball and Kim Gaffett, and Henery DuPont decided they didn't like the way David Holt and MJ Balser were running their jobs, and managed to oust them for what ever minor reasons. And just look at the friggin' fiasco that confronts us now.TIFN
Yo you guys are all Gator's fans. Connecticutt Huskies are the Shiznet son. Duke and NC are way better than your sucky gators! Chris Lake is the worst quater back out there. What Now son What now.
I see this happened awhile ago, but I just found this blog and needed to respond because I know Tom Miozzi very well and he does not deserve to be smeared over the work he did on the island. It seems logical that it would be more practical and less expensive to pave roads on an island with the equipment there. You seem to be a little cranky, and you are damaging a good person's business reputation by posting this derogatory rant about a relatively short lived project done to maintain your roads.
This town was running along on a grand scale until Martha Ball and Kim Gaffett, and Henery DuPont decided they didn't like the way David Holt and MJ Balser were running their jobs, and managed to oust them for what ever minor reasons.
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