I don't know how a lot of you folks out there are feeling about the status of this country and just where it is headed, but I continue to feel more and more apprehensive!
We have been sliding down a slippery slope since January and if you can't see the writing on the wall, I have no idea where you would have been for the last 9/10 months.
Everywhere you look there is one or more disasters in the making! The economy is still in the tank and well respected economists like Thomas Sowell are still saying we haven't hit bottom yet and when we do old Mr. inflation rears his ugly head. I do believe it was back in the Wiemar Republic that all the same indicators prevailed as are now showing themselves now in this country. Their inflation ran so high that you had to take a wheelbarrow full of cash to go buy just ONE loaf of bread! Don't believe that? Do a little googling!
It becomes more and more apparent to virtually anyone possessing at least one half of a brain that the "Idiot in the Whitehouse" does not have the inkling of a clue as to what in hell he is doing! I saw today in the news that his "job approval" ratings were up a couple of percent over last month. How in the hell can that possibly be true when the narcissistic ass has been EVERYWHERE ELSE but in Washington? He spends more time in the air than a migrating bird heading for Patagonia from the Alaskan tundra! But I guess that is really a good thing as he does less damage in the air than when he is home with michelle.
About all I can do to ameliorate the problem at this level is to keep on stocking up on those survival rations and trying to figure out who the ones are that will be pounding on my door demanding that I give up some of my "stuff" to them just because they say they are entitled to it! Hey man! It is just like those tax thingies I keep sending to the government, they take it and give it to some lazy bum who thinks is entitled to it just "because"!
Well folks, if I were you, I'd be out there with a rasp, roughing and dulling up the ski's so that long glide down the slippery slope will be somewhat slowed up! Remember, vote for NO INCUMBENT next two times around!! TIFN
3-6-25 daily log, spoke too soon.
16 hours ago
And the dollar is in the toilet against most foreign currencies... sigh... 87 Yen to the dollar. Lowest I've seen it in over 20 years...
Heard the news this morning Ev? Time to rename it the Nobel Moonbat Prize! Can you believe it?
Old NFO - a major Bush policy was to keep the dollar low so the US exports would be more affordable overseas. So that's not an Obama policy. I don't know if I agree with it, but we did borrow a ton of money, which caused the dollar to drop even more.
As to the Nobel Peace Prize, just about everyone is scratching their heads over that one, including independents and winger Dems.
And Everett, the 2012 Elections aren't that far away, hang in there young fella! The jockeying for position should start in early to mid-2010. Have faith in American and the American people, will ya?
When I heard about the prize going to Obama it immediately made me think of another so called "winner" of that self same prize. Does anyone remember a scumball by the name of Yassar Arafat? Was he not a terrorist of the the first degree? Well you all know that old saying, "BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER" Well they surely do 'cause I just looked out my window and there went arrafat, obama, gore, carter, and wasn't Mr Lewinski in there also? I'm getting a little lame between the ears so if anyone can add to my list of people who have been ass kissed by Mr. alfie nobel's descendant minions, please feel free! What a huge colossal friggin' joke! TIFN
Omissions of CAPITAL letters in the previous post was intentional!
Sam- there is low and then there's 87Y=$1 I haven't seen it that low in all the years I've been coming out here. The lowest I ever saw under Bush was 97Y=$1 and most of the time it floated around 105-115Y=$1 At the bank this morning it was 84Y=$1 so it's getting worse... sigh...
As a former currency trader, I can tell you it's very hard for a president to regulate the dollars value. Nor is it wise, a weak dollar is not good for the US economy.
Hey, 'former currency trader,' you do raise some interesting observations there. Care to expand? Old NFO and I find it a cool topic.
And you're right, Bush didn't really manipulate the pricing of the dollar, as much as he simply didn't mind that the dollar lost some value, and took no action.
But recently, Mexico helped prop up its Peso by having some kind of money auction on the international market, and was able to dampen the run on the Peso fairly well.
Not sure if that's even an option for the US, but the Chinese and OPEC and getting very nervous about the crashing dollar.
I'm downsizing, paying cash for evrything and waiting for the next big crash.
It's going to be a bumpy ride for people that aren't expecting it.
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