That Was Then, This Is Now
John Kerry on the campaign trail, in December 2003, before the Council on Foreign Relations:
I fear that in the run-up to the 2004 election, the administration is considering what is tantamount to a cut-and-run strategy. Their sudden embrace of accelerated Iraqification and American troop withdrawal dates, without adequate stability, is an invitation to failure. The hard work of rebuilding Iraq must not be dictated by the schedule of the next American election.
I have called for the administration to transfer sovereignty, and they must transfer it to the Iraqi people as quickly as circumstances permit. But it would be a disaster and a disgraceful betrayal of principle to speed up the process simply to lay the groundwork for a politically expedient withdrawal of American troops. That could risk the hijacking of Iraq by terrorist groups and former Ba'athists.
Kerry was against cutting and running before he was for it!
I'm not nice before coffee...
26 minutes ago
Hey Everett, I thought that any decision about the military presence in Iraq should be dictated by the Generals - you know, the professionals, and not some blow-hard politicians. Has something changed?
If we have learned anything, when the civilians (read politicians) told the military what to do, the results were truly horrendous. It is true that the Constitution allows for civilian oversight of the military but I think that was meant to be an advisory role, not micro - managing all the details.
Oh well, what do I know? I will agree that all these pontificating politicians are comical in the extreme, and that one needs a Mark Twain kind of humor to survive all those "Puddin' Heads" out there ...
Gee Everett...THEY ARE ALL LYING BASTARDS. Especially our president.
You might need more than a sense of humor to survive the mismanagment of this war.
I'm sure that the brave men and women who have physically and psychologically born the cost of this war, including those who have been laid to rest, would agree.
to anonymous, I don't disagree with your answer, but the degree and malisciousness(sp NOT right) of the lies by a few is what gripes my ass! All to get another few years free ride on the public dole.
yo get a CLUE, dude
Kerry married a BILLIONAIRE
He does what he does out of LOVE for his country. This country was FOUNDED on dissent, E. You FOUGHT to protect the RIGHT to speak out against lying bastards like our fraudulently elected President Bush.
Hmm, I really don't think that some of these folks are capable of outright lying, as that would give them far too much credit than they are due (continuing on our Sam Clemens theme).
Rather, it is their ability to bend logic to suit their political ambitions that seems to be offensive, as one would see in a snake oil salesman of the 1890's.
If you listen real close to General Casey (I think that's the right name) he says he could decline to not rotate in some 28,000 troops starting this fall, but was careful to add that any decision would be coordinated with the new Iraqi government.
All other speculation, history changing, and wishful thinking is a crock of hooey!
The extent to which the political capital could change will be a hot topic during this November's elections. I offer no predictions as to the blind stupidity of either the politicians up for re-election or the people who would vote for them. /sam wells
Hey Ex-Man you're on a roll! Let me just add one thing - that folks like Kerry have maybe 5-12 staffers, with one being a guru and the rest being fresh out of college. You didn't know that? That's one reason why politicians say stupid stuff. Why do you think Bush sounds so utterly stupid when he reads his speaches? Because he didn't write them! Nope, they were written by some weenie kid still green behind the ears ...
As to a military record, at least he has one. Bush, Cheney, and others all bought there way out of the service. That is a matter of public record now. So what if Kerry got a splinter on his buttocks - he served, dude, and few of us can say that except maybe Everett here.
OK, didn't mean to hit a raw nerve there, Ex-Man! Yes, Bush served and got a bye (got out of his service agreement) from a dude named Ben Barnes, a renowned Texas politician. But OK, Bush served at least nominally.
Now don't go thinking I'm a Kerry-Head or that I'm defending his honor, since he did have his "Jane Fonda" moments and he did seem to waffle on about every subject that was thrown his way. Sure, many folks slowly change their opinions over time but with Kerry it was like instantaneous flip-flopping, for which he is well known.
Hey, I wonder if there is a reason why the form can't be released, since there could be some bad poop in it. Back in those demoralized days of Vietnam there was lots of drugs, killing villagers, goofing off on the post, and getting medical help for minor bedsores to get a furlough ... I am just speculating but folks don't hide data unless they have a reason ...
Flew into Manchester NH and then drove to Portland, Rockport, Rockland, and finally Camden. Passed Bath and waved in Warbler's direction. Man, they have Bluebonnets 3-foot tall! I thought everything was bigger in Texas. With all the family there the poor folks had to take 12 cases of beer to the Redemption Center. I had to ask about the Redemption thing, like if it was some religious ceremony or something (first you're bad, then you get redeemed for your drunken sins?). All that for 5 cents a bottle ... had a great time with three whole days of sun, rain the rest of the time.
get a life you propane pirate
how much does propane cost you
per gallon?THIEF
Propane pirate, that's Everett, not me! However, I do seem to have an infinite reservoir of GAS. -sam
I wondered where the old chicken shit cyber sniper had disappeared too! But he has been out there, "lurking" all this time! "Get a life?" I thought I had one! Not so sure about him though. Have you had your head out of your ass long enough to notice that there have been huge price increases in fuel mr.cyber? Do you think anybody in ANY business can continue on if those increases aren't passed along to the end user? Most of whom continue to buy those big assed SUV's and bring them here to the Island. YOU have to come out of your cave and take a look around! BTW the price of propane varies from day to day and truck load to truckload.If you have any cojones hiding in your shorts, come on over to the house and I'll show you a breakdown of just exactly what propane costs me and why it is priced too the consumer as it is. But I'm sure you wouldn't be able to understand that basic lesson in economics, but come over anyway!
Gosh, Everett, sounds like you're holding court on your patio "poop deck" and saying stuff like "Avast ye, it's ten dubloons a gallon or you'll swing from the yardarm by noon, I swear!"
But seriously, I can't imagine importing propane from the mainland what with all the hazardous cargo regs, ferry costs, and not to mention you have to burn propane or expensive truck fuel yourself just to make a delivery. You're probably used to it but to the average schmoe like me it is probably an intricate dance.
Maybe you should blog about it sometime. Maybe not the costs but all the hoopla you have to do ...
Hi Sam, There is a little bit about how it is to run a propane business ANYWHERE in the US on the June 2005 blog. It is the first one called " Moi? a socialist scum?" I think too most people it would be pretty dull reading as it wouild be mostly about the hundreds of regulations you HAVE TO comply with or be hit with fines on a DAILY basis running from $500 up to $ 37,500! Per Day until you come into compliance! And some of them are retroactive to the day they were enacted even if you never heard of them. Just got hit with another one this spring! It is called, "A Juristicional Pipeline Requirements" law that got enacted a few years ago but they neglected to notify ANYONE who might have to comply. Then they go ahead and fine the shit out of you 'cause that is the way they make their money to pay the inspectors their wages!!! That was from the inspectors mouth!! When he said he was going to fine us for non-compliance to the tune of $245,000, My son Russell handed him the keys to all the trucks and told him to take all the computers with him on the way out the door, 'cause he just bought himself a propane company. For us to comply, we would have to take a reading on the anode attached to a buried tank twice a year, and make sure we were registered with DIGSAFE so no one would dig up the buried gas line. The rest was ALL PAPER WORK that had to be on file in the office and amounted to a book that is about 5" thick when we got it all together.
Well, he relented on the fine when he finally figured out he was going to have about 1200 really pissed off people calling him for gas and he couldn't deliver!! Typical beuracratic(sp) asshole! And I mean to tell you, it was going to be all over the State on the TV news with names attached!! See Ya!
Sounds like more two-faced bastards, Everett, and that don't mean you!
In reflection, one of the good things about the so-called "Republican Movement" was to reduce the amount of paperwork and complex regulations for small business, a process called "one stop shopping" and "simplification."
Instead we have more chit than ever. What happened?
Oh and thanks for the note ... I bet the Spragues (sp) have a bunch of the same hooey, too. /Sam
They, the Spragues being in the fuel oil business have a lot to contend with also, but fuel oil isn't considered a hazardous material so their rules are a LOT less restrictive. BTW all the loud and obnoxious green people got their wish. Tom Miozzi the asphalt contractor told them all to "shove it" figuratively and took his plant off the Island. Now we can pay three to four more times per truck load to get the final coat of asphalt on high street and on the new runway at the airport this fall . Don't know if you have heard about that looming disaster, but the RI Airport Corp. is CLOSING the airport for 42 days to do the job. NO PLANES, ZERO, in or out for the duration. And with the departure of the asphalt plant you can bet you ass the closure will go on for much longer than that what with three or four hundred truck loads having to come over on the boat.So instead of a seemless runway, it will be made up of short runs with ridges traversing the width every few feet. People can be so shortsighted and GD stupid as to defy any sort of logic! TIFN
Damme, I was just reading how lots of governments were needing asphalt for road construction and repairs but ran out of money, as the asphalt went up by 20-40%. So governments are usually on a fixed budget so they do 20-40% less work or skip the entire project!
Lots of folks don't know WHY a local asphalt mix plant is a good idea. Not only does it reduce delivery costs but the temperature must be over 140 degrees F - or it must be thrown away because the binder sets up and won't compact. Low temperature paving is a problem because the surface will crack and end up in loose chunks.
Pray for some 70-80 degree days when they're paving, is all I have to say!
That the airport would be closed for so long is a real travesty. There are ways to run night operations and keep the airport open, as long as there is not too much underlayment work (flexible base, etc.). Many highway jobs are now done at night on major highways, so the rush hours are not affected.
Y'all hear that there was a fire at the cottage last Friday that is under investigation?! Seems it started under the sink and extinguished itself prior to melting the gas line when the pipe supplying water melted and burst. What's next--flaming crosses and pointy headed white sheets!!!!!!!!!!!!! This "ain't" just rumour.
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