
What is missing in this picture?

  Posted by Picasa Have you figured it out? It is that derelict boat that has been thee all winter and for some time before that. Yesterday, for most of the day, a few guys working in concert got the thing winched up on the beach. Then along came Mike McGinnes with his big excavator and picked it off the rocks and into a flatbed truck where it made a short overland trip to the dump, eerrr, landfill where it is assumed it will be reduced in volume in preparation for a trip to the landfill.
Who did this job? Well lets see, there was Bob Littlefield with his big old red Hummer with a 12 ton winch dragging it ashore. Chris Willi, Troy Milstead and John Swienton, were in and on the water doing the line rigging and riding herd on it as it made it's way ashore. It was mostly an all day affair, but in the end all hands worked very well together to get a job done that has needed doing for some time. Good Job Guys, Free beer at McGovern's, the Town Manager is buying!! or should be. TIFN


Sam said...

For all the hoo-hah that goes on these days it is good to see somebody actually doing something real good. To the crew, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the town trying to kick Bobby off the docks...and there he is doing something the town would never have gotten accomplished without his help.

Sam said...

Sure sounds like it, but you there are folks are will argue, get mad as heck, threaten legal fights, and raise all kinds of Cain ... and then sit down for a beer or cup of coffee with ya. The good ones, at least!

And pullin' dead boats - that's almost a point of honor.

Anonymous said...

Everett - don't forget now - the last change on West Beach road was to a 'transfer staion'... a dump by any other name!

Anonymous said...

It's a pleasure to read that some great things are happening on the block. After reading the Times--front page and second page and third page etc. of three weeks ago I was beginning to think we were living in the village of the damned. As to that particular issue of the "paper" my feeling is that some people are "out to get" other people just because....? There was one notable exception to that feeling as one of the "landed upons" was able to laugh his way out of a situation that could set a very seriously flawed precedent in future building code enforcement while another so called "perp" was all but tarred, feathered, and submitted to the dunking chair for an unproven, so called "maybe conflict of interests" issue. Where is the justice? I felt as if I were reading a trash yellow paper. Happy spring!

Sam said...

Well, when I said it was a point of honor I wasn't exactly kidding. These folks thought up a plan and moved a heavy, rotten boat filled with water and sand, which would have cost thousands for a salvager to do for the Town. It is like a dare, only better.

But why do it is the first place? Why not just stay at the house or do some real business? Because the could, is my answer. Because they are strong, resilient, and undaunted watermen.

May I add, finally, it was because they are proud Block Islanders.

Anonymous said...

People that do good deeds ,do them for the self satisfaction and do not need pats on the back or mention in the paper. The paper is not taking sides you guys are always promoting your little private agenda.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly, out here, you are judged by everyone for what what you do...and this judgment by many who should not be casting the first stone, or any for that matter, ends up affecting your livelyhood and your family's life,

Anonymous said...

This is for anonymous 4/13/2006 at 2:16:28: Wouldn't you rather be known by your good works rather than just your words?

Sam said...

Sure, we all like to cast stones, call bluffs, expose BS, and so forth, but ask yourself every day if you did something good for your family or the community. By themselves, words mean nothing. Action speaks for itself.
Easter, 2006

Anonymous said...

Now that the greens have thrown their hats in the ring isn't it time to start an election year dialog Everett?

Anonymous said...

The guy who left this boat( TIM MARTIN) to be taken care of by the town at everyones expense but his should be arrested when he and his family come to the Island this summer, and they will come again with nowhere to live.These are not the type of people we need on BI.They sponge off anyone who is foolish enough to get near them.