
Dirty Politics rears its ugly head on BI--- AGAIN!

Well, some of the folks who live here on this little piece of glacial terminal moraine, have decided to move us ever closer to the quagmire that invades and is invested in the state politicians who infest this State. The Medical Center here on BI is "governed" by a board of approximately 12 people who come from all walks of life. They are all volunteers who were duly elected by the taxpayers of this burg. Most all of them over the years have given selflessly to make a go of the venture and it has worked well most of the time. Sometime earlier this year the makeup of the board changed and with the installation of some of the newer folks, the behind the scenes shinagians began to unfold. There was Monty Stover having been there for 16 years originally just taking care of the money end of the Center. Making sure it had the funds to continue operation through every sort of fundraising and grant writing. At some point the administrative director found reason to depart the Island and Mr. Stover with the concurrence of the then BOARD of directors, stepped in to fill the gap. This man worked 12 hours a day on average, 6 and sometimes 7 days a week in order that the Center would continue to thrive. He didn't get many thanks, and probably even fewer pats on the back for a job truly well done. Enter the pretenders! After a while, and with a lot of backdoor "gatherings" a few of them unilateraly decided to get rid of Mr. Stover so that they could have his job! How blatantly uncouth,nefarious,underhanded,slyly,and maliciously they were in designing the hatchet job they then delivered to the body of M. Stover. None, to not much warning was given him before they so unceremoniously fired him one morning! No reason given apparently except that two of the board members wanted his two jobs!! Dr. Peter Baute wanted the overall Admin job. while Pete Tweedy grabbed the finance position for himself. What a God damned travesty that they would ruin someones life, especially someone who had given their all to the center, for the sole purpose of gaining a little"power" and lining their pockets at this guys expense. This little charade is an exact parallel of how the present Administration in D.C. conducts the day to day,ostensibly, the peoples business, while undermining the Constitution and stuffing their pockets with taxpayers money. Throw ALL the bastards, locally and Nationally OUT/1 TIFN.


Everett said...

Don't know why butblogger won't let me make paragraph breaks! Sorry

Old NFO said...

Ev- I think 'somebody' should be auditing (from outside) that organization about every 90 days to make sure the $$ aren't 'disappearing'... Sorry to hear the way he got the boot...

Anti Money Laundering said...

The best day on earth I guess would be the day when politics become honest and clean.

sanehead said...

Island Voice $$ are pilfered! You all know that