What the hell is going on in good old DC? No not the debt ceiling farce or any of the other monetary bullshit that is paralyzing the place!
I want to know why in the hell there has been NO HUMONGOUS OUTCRY of outrage, over the grossly offensive, despicable, and reprehensible act of letting all those guns be sold to the Mexican Cartels during the "Fast and Furious"disaster?
WHERE are all the so-called non partisan, uber-correct journalists whose JOB it always was, was to inform the public of gross dereliction and malfeasance of our elected officials? Have they all died and gone to heaven and left us with the present bunch of ass kissing obama lovers?
Why isn't the WAPO or the NYT or any of the other big name papers all over this like stink on a pile of nitrogenous waste matter?
They were right there every time some Republican made a mis-step, or a toe touch in a bathroom stall to the point of hounding them out of office. They didn't have too much to say about mr.hotdog, err, wiener either!
This whole affair makes the Watergate affair look like a high school prank by a bunch of kids. At least Nixon didn't get anyone killed! The tally is up to about 150 Mexicans so far and at least three US CITIZENS!!! How many more are going to die with guns that made it into the hands of US criminals? How the hell can anyone turn their backs on this mess and let all those people at the top of the pile walk away unscathed?
How come there is not a special prosecutor going after Eric Holder and the rest of BATFE leaders and on up the ladder too obomanation. Holder screams that he knew nothing about it but he gave a speech some where back in '08 and specifically mentioned that there had been money directed too this operation! It is on tape! It is all over the web! Why has this bastard not been canned and arrested?
A lot of those Nixon "co-conspirators" went to jail for various terms, and it looks like all these obomadroids are going to get a free pass because the people who have the power to do something, and who SHOULD BE SCREAMING about this barbarous and contemptible act are doing nothing!
I'm pissed and so should every other citizen of this once great country be. If the powers that be let prosecution of this slide away, well then this country is done as any sort of a model to be held up to others as a role model. TIFN.
2-21-25 Sixth day
18 hours ago