Well I think we are going to again be involved in another cold war struggle. At least I hope it is a"cold" war and not a hot one. After all of Putin's political moves etc., of the last few months, I'll bet that if the NTSB, FBI, and other investigatory entities were to go to Poland and check out the remains of that aircraft, that they would find evidence of some sort of missile residue lodged in the junk pile!
How very convenient that the total top people civilian as well as military were summarily wiped from the face of the earth? In Russia yet! Where we know that when Comrade Putin gets through "personally" heading up the investigation (read that as cover up,whitewash etc), that it will have been a bad case of Pilot error, shoddy A/C maint., wind shear, or maybe just an act of God. The good people of Smolensk will be exonerated!
Is this not very reminiscent of back in the 40's when the then head of the Polish Nation, a General Sikorski (with an "i") was killed in an A/C crash? Wasn't that just before Russia jumped in there to save the Polish people from themselves?
When the President of the USA virtually tells all the little dictators to do what ever they wish because WE won't interfere, what should we expect them to do but to revert to their old ways of land acquisition! The poo is going to hit the rotating airfoil very soon! And with this communist thing sitting there in the Whitehouse telling, Putin, Dear Leader Kim, Am-a-dinner-jacket, and China's boss,Ping-Pong-Yang to come on over to take over the Oval Office, newly decorated with hammers and sickles and an all red decor, they will be more than happy to comply!
A new RED DAWN is about to break over the horizon! TIFN
3-6-25 daily log, spoke too soon.
15 hours ago
I don't think we'll ever know for 'sure' what happened, but pilot error and 'bad weather' will be blamed... sigh...
Hmm, sounds like the far Right Wing is inventing conspiracy theories without the benefit of fact yet?
One of my best buds is pretty much right off the boat from Poland- and refers to all of Russia as "Katyn" for obvious reasons.. she said that she thinks when they play back the black boxes they will hear the President of Poland screaming something to the effect of "Those Ruskies aren't going to tell me I can't land here! Land the damn plane!!"
Hey Sam,I am not a John Bircher nor any other kind of a "Right wing Conspiracy Theorist". I just go by what I read from "supposedly" journalisticly correct and unbiased news people! Ha! THAT IS a laugh, there aren't any of those anymore. But do you not find it strange or at least disconcerting that over the last two or three months, Putin has been making a lot of noise and comments about "regaining" the lost territory when the first Iron Curtain fell?Also the fact that he has between 200 and 400k troops and tanks marshaled along the Estonian, Latvian, and Belarus borders. And even a bunch of them in that small piece of ground to the west of Lithuania? He threatens daily to turn off the spigot of oil to all of Europe. I think the Russian Bear is really pissed and they have NO Qualms about starting another Cold War as that asshole in the Whitehouse told him we would not use nukes to retaliate against anyone who attacked us!! Is that Ass TOTALLY friggin' nuts?.
D.Is the "Katyn" a reference to the Katyn Forest Massacre? Or is it attributable to a slang name for Russians? IDK!
Aw Ev, I shouldn't have jumped the gun and I think Deirdre is pretty close to what could have happened.
No doubt the Ruskies and the evil Mr. Putin are up to no good, and after years of having a failed regime want to "strut their stuff." Russia does support interests in Iran, you know, and is cultivating certain former republics that are falling apart.
Myself, I fear two things - China and those "suitcase nukes." You probably know why I think China is a baddie - heck they even took over the Panama Canal. And suitcase nukes are folks like North Korea and Al Queda that can get their hands on some fissionable material in small but deadly amounts.
And no, you're no John Bircher. You're too damned nice of a man for that. -sam
FWIW, I did some checking with some of my 'sources', it appears the Polish Pres was notorious for 'directing' his pilots to do things that were not necessarily 'safe'... Deirdre may have hit the nail directly on the head!!!
Hi gramps, I blog, www.bi-cuisine.blogspot.com, I miss you, don't know how it happened but today we got 26 eggs from 24 chickens(maybe they layed late!!) those darn chickens!! I love you, bye.
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