Well I guess it's official now, the obamacrook signed that piece of s*** bill and now we have to live with the consequences of all the crooked, underhanded, sneaky and outright unlawful procedural tricks that they engineered to get it passed. Pretty damned nasty of that botox infected bitch to take all those nice new one year in office Reps. into her office and tell them that they had damned well vote for this monstrosity or they would all be sitting out the remainder of their terms doing JUST THAT! Sitting in their offices with absolutely no responsibilities in Congress. So I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens to the other longer timers who voted against it. I just wish, I really do, that some one would lower the hammer on her. Just as long as it wasn't someone from the right side of the aisle.
So I wonder how things are going to be playing out here on this little Island in the next few years? How many more folks are there out there that will have the money to be building houses out here? How long before this economy goes so far down that nobody comes out here to sit in their million dollar homes? Anybody been counting houses up for sale in the newspaper? It isn't just a few! With the unemployment as bad as it is here in RI, I wonder how many folks are even going to be making day trips over here?
Don't know if anyone looks over at my yard as they pass by but there is another hunk of dirt being chewed up in preparation of a few more long keeper veggies being planted. Hope they come up this year as last year was a bust for a few of them. No winter squash, tomatoes, turnips etc. It was too damn wet.
I'm going to quit for now 'cause every thing I write wants to lead me right back to obama and his crooked band of
losers! TIfN
2-21-25 Sixth day
1 day ago
Soap box, ballot box, and finally bullet box if the other two don't work...
I really don't see John Q. Public taking this one lying down...
You know I would not mourn too long,about a nano second, nor to deeply, maybe a micro meter if some one was to unleash a piece of instantly heated and gas propelled, 230 grain alchemists base product, lead, into the repository of the o's cognitive housing device! But that would only give him the opportunity to declare martial law and begin the confiscation process he so ardently desires as relates to firearms. Hell, he has already unleashed the dogs as regards your soon to be redistributed wealth! If they want to try attaching any on my soon to be non-existant checking and savings accounts have at it! Nothing there anymore. Back to the old way of taking cash to the USPO and buying money orders. Of course carrying all that cash around on my person is going to necessitate hauling that big assed Sig Stainless 1911 with me everywhere I go. Just in case anyone wonders what the hell I'm talking about, it is, that included in the O'care bill was a little item that allows the IRS, the enforcer for the O'care guys, to go directly to any of your accounts and TAKE whatever amount of money they deem that you owe them!! No recourse,it just gets done!! I just love Nancy P. and Harry R. At least John Murtha had the decency to just up at croake at the right time! Hmmm, wonder if he had an assist from someone?
Nah, we want him to go out as a failed one term president... nothing more, nothing less...
Remember in November and Vote them ALL out!
Hey Ev are you going to "migrate" your blogger account? it says here our blogs might disappear after May first. Not sure what I'm going to do and it looks complicated as heck.
Good luck with the garden this year. Seems like El Nino is starting to die but you're getting some rather massive rains up your way!
I have gone to some 4 by 8 raised bed gardens, since the soil got so salty and nasty. However, at 12 inches tall (I don't fool around), that's near a cubic yard in each bed.
As to Obamanommics, well, "carry on as you were, sir."
Hi Sam I haven't been getting anything about losing my account or having to "migrate" it too somewhere else. What page did this show up on? I can't find anything under "accounts" , "Dashboard" or anywhere else. Maybe you said the wrong thing to the wrong guy somewhere? LOL
Hope your feeling better, Everett. Check6
Ev - here is what I get on my account:
FTP publishing will no longer be available after May 1, 2010
You currently have blogs that are published using FTP. You must migrate your blogs to a new custom domain URL or a blogspot URL. To learn more, see our dedicated blog and help documentation.
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