No, really!! I kid you not! I have a direct line from the, "all retired military personnel are terrorists" (ala Janet Napolitano the head of Homeland Security) that he is on his way to disgrace our shores with his presence! He has a good friend here on the Island who helped him get elected! You know Mr. Parsons over on Coast Guard road. The guy with the biggest house and the biggest most expensive Helo? I've heard he runs Time Warner or some such entity. You know, all those MSM companies that gave "The One" a free pass when it came to vetting him as has been the norm for the last 200 years?
Anyway, I have heard through the jungle vine that it will be around the 23rd of this month. Man it is going to be fun to watch all the kiss asses run out of the bushes and embrace the "Anointed one"! They will be falling all over themselves trying to suck up to him. I expect he will want to take a walking victory tour of the downtown area just like his Uncle Billy did a few years ago. Playing slap and tickle with the great unwashed and uneducated adoring multitudes, they still not suspecting just what he has in store for them in the future. What was that saying, and who said it about, "There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see"!
SO I guess I will just stay home for all the time he is infesting this burg, in order to spare myself the stench of socialism that, that man reeks of, and a possible heart attack from having come too close to that negatively charged being.
But all you infatuated folks will probably have unlimited time to photograph he of the rolled up sleeves,(his working man image/mode), and of the tilted,"just so" chin! You know the pose that makes him look so dignified, questioning,and god like in his own estimation!
If you get a chance to ask him just one question, don't make it about health care reform, or the economy, or the cash for clunkers mess, or the TARP money, or the trillions in dollars of debt he has saddled this country for the next 50 years. Please don't mention the housing fiasco, or ACORN, or his private army he wants to start, don't even think of the letters, AIG, GMC, CHRYSLER, or any other acronym.
Just ask him this,"When the hell are you going to go back too Washington and STAY THERE and do presidenty stuff?" Jesus Jenny, He is on the road more than Ghengis Khan was!! TIFN
2-21-25 Sixth day
18 hours ago