There must be some kind of new flu strain out there that is affecting the brains of hundreds of thousands, make that millions of people in this country! The funny part is that they, the affectee's all seem to be of the most liberal persuasion!
I only have a twelfth grade education received here on this Island in the 40's and 50's. But somehow I am able to figure out that if you tax the very people who provide the capital, the ingenuity, the chutzpa, the guts,the brains, and most importantly the JOBS, if you tax them to the point they have no money left for R&D, new factories etc., there are going to be NO,NO new jobs available or created! Why does that very simple fact of life and business escape recognition by these folks? Just where the hell do they think all this money and new expertize is going to come from? Probably China and India and numerous other countries trying to fill the vacuum of scientific degrees that we used to provide to the world.
Our Universities and colleges have become so overloaded and packed with mentally corrupted, left leaning professors and teachers, that the last two or three generations of graduates have no idea of what the world is really about and how it works! You can't rewrite history on a daily basis and have young people try to sort the chaff from the wheat,(truth) when the people manipulating the thresher controls that sorts it out, all have a dementia problem! They all STILL think, contrary to scads of failed examples, that socialism in its purest form IS THE SALVATION OF MANKIND!! They still will not face the fact that it DOES NOT FRIGGIN' WORK!!! How many friggin' times are we "doomed to repeat the lessons of history" because of all the idiots we have in teaching positions continue to perpetrate the myth of Socialism? When are the rest of us going to rise up and throw the assholes out? Oh yeah, 'Tenure', the salvation of the halt, destitute(mentally), and corrupt! Well in this environment we are in now, it might be a good time to let the chaff be blown away in the winds of "Hope and Change"!!
BTW all you Obama lovers, How IS that Hope and Change working out for YOU? Up to your expectations? His already failed policies and lack of much of any meaningful accomplishments, has already vindicated my feeling that this guy is just a first class bullshitter and an empty suit that has made a career out of duping people. It amazes me that some "right wing whacko" hasn't already tried to clean his clock for him, permanently! Oh well, there is always 'Hope' for that needed 'Change' And oh yeah, just how many of his loudly proclaimed campaign promises has he negated, and/or not lived up to? About the only concrete one was to begin the clousure of Gitmo only now he can't find new homes for the bad boys down there. I wonder if it ever occured to the idiot that where they are is probably the best place in the world for them other than six feet under!! No crooks in my administration he said! (forgot to mention tax evaders, 5 or 6 of them), No Lobbyist's either,( got a few of them).The guy makes GWB look like a choir boy!This guy has lied and waffeled so much no one really knows where he stands on ANY subject! Iran? Irag? Isreal? NORK? Palastine? Honduras?, Venezuela?,He is in the process of countermaning the diplomacy of the last 40-50 years! The guy is a walking disaster!
So keep on stocking your larder and loading your arms 'cause it looks more and more each day that arnarchy is just around the corner! I DO HOPE that never comes to pass! TIFN
2-21-25 Sixth day
18 hours ago