Observations, Rant's, Diatribes, and other issues concerning BI and its denizens.
A Nod to "Right" Thinking
In the following pictures you get a nice view of the new Airport complex, but you may also get some insight into how the beauracratic mind works. For the life of me I cannot figure out why they reversed the usage of the two new parking lots. Can someone give me a rational explanation for why it was done like this? You may have to click on the pictures to read the writing or use a magnifying glass! I couldn't figure out how to make it bigger.
But... but... Everett, you can't really EXPECT any of this to be common sense, can you??? Some idjit probably changed the plan based on a whim, rather than an real need (of course S/HE is not a local, so doesn't have to live with the decision).
more of the world according to everett. I like the new terminal and think the parking makes sense. It's a shorter walk for daily use passengers. But they didn't consult with the all knowing everett, so they are stupid.
Well Mr. anonymouse, still hiding huh? Don't think that I am the only one with a dislike of the way they,"finished the surface of the two lots"! Go up and talk to Mark the current manager. He says he has had so many complaints about it that he won't even talk about it anymore. My only real problem if that they COULD have paved the lot in front of the building and left the big stone crap for the long term lot! Not to hard to figure that out. If you go back and read the little blurb at the beginning, I don't believe you'll find any comments about disliking the building or the grounds. And yes, "more of the world according to me" and Garth! We got it ALL figured out man! You just HAVE to crawl out from under that rock and and join the legions of we,"ALL KNOWING" beings! Get a life dude!
Yes I did say that but in my little pea brain I was 'thinking' of why couldn't they have reversed the ground coverage material of the lots? Then it would have been easy walking as well as somewhat shorter.
I'm going with Old NFO on this one. Seems like you have a nice new airport facility and what you got is what you got. Good luck if you want somebody to admit they messed up or will fix it - maybe some fixes can be made in a few years when it all blows over. It certainly isn't worth taking to court to pay a bunch of lawyers who really don't care about what's best. Strike another bell for the idiots and forget about it.
I'm 75, Retired from 20 yrs. in the U.S.Navy as an Aircraft Engine Mechanic (reciprocating,round),Retired from 30 years in the LPG gas business here on the Island. I have 4 kids and 6 grandkids, and that is not enough! Love to build from scratch and attempt to fly radio controlled model aircraft with varying degrees of success. An avid reader since 8 years old. Classical is my music of choice closely followed by R&R from the 50's-70's!
"Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
But... but... Everett, you can't really EXPECT any of this to be common sense, can you??? Some idjit probably changed the plan based on a whim, rather than an real need (of course S/HE is not a local, so doesn't have to live with the decision).
more of the world according to everett. I like the new terminal and think the parking makes sense. It's a shorter walk for daily use passengers. But they didn't consult with the all knowing everett, so they are stupid.
Well Mr. anonymouse, still hiding huh? Don't think that I am the only one with a dislike of the way they,"finished the surface of the two lots"! Go up and talk to Mark the current manager. He says he has had so many complaints about it that he won't even talk about it anymore. My only real problem if that they COULD have paved the lot in front of the building and left the big stone crap for the long term lot! Not to hard to figure that out. If you go back and read the little blurb at the beginning, I don't believe you'll find any comments about disliking the building or the grounds.
And yes, "more of the world according to me" and Garth! We got it ALL figured out man! You just HAVE to crawl out from under that rock and and join the legions of we,"ALL KNOWING" beings! Get a life dude!
You say in your opening your problem is that they reversed the usage of the two lots.
Yes I did say that but in my little pea brain I was 'thinking' of why couldn't they have reversed the ground coverage material of the lots? Then it would have been easy walking as well as somewhat shorter.
Too bad we can't read your little pea brain. May be you need a spin doctor like Obama and Biden maybe Gibbs could help you out.
I'm going with Old NFO on this one. Seems like you have a nice new airport facility and what you got is what you got. Good luck if you want somebody to admit they messed up or will fix it - maybe some fixes can be made in a few years when it all blows over. It certainly isn't worth taking to court to pay a bunch of lawyers who really don't care about what's best. Strike another bell for the idiots and forget about it.
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