Well those are the pictures that I couldn't figure out how to get on here, so I just took pictures of the picture an here they are, I hope! Right now I see nothing but a bunch of letters and numbers.
Mr. chicken anonymouse: This is the last anyone will see of your comments. On the good advice of some very smart friends, I refuse to enable you to continue to spew your invective here. If you care to clean up your thought processes, and post as someone with a real name, even if it is phony, you will be able to as long as you can be civil to all concerned. These pictures were taken back in the late 1930's and early forties,easily discernible by the cars up on the road. Nothing here is "photo shopped" or touched up in anyway as I don't have the technical smarts or the equipment or the desire to try and fool a fool!
Well here goes nothing! Hope they appear!TIFN
Well folks, you have already noticed that I enabled the comment moderation mode on the blog. I just couldn't stand that guy anymore. Anyone else who writes a comment will see it posted. I just get to see it first and if it is from chicken man, I'll know it and delete it. He doesn't know it yet but he is all done so go somewhere else and be a pain in the ass. You are ALL DONE HERE!
Hope everyone else continues to give out with the advice and ideas! TIFN
Hey Everett those are wonderful old pictures and I hope you save them for a few grandkids and great-grandkids. What a treasure!
I'd love to get my hands on some USGS maps that would show the same thing, comparing then and today.
I betcha URI has some of these historical USGS maps and it would make a wonderful project for a Master's research project.
Wow! What a difference between the stretch of beach in these photos and the current state of this beach today. They really dramatize just how much beach has been lost to erosion.
Thanks for putting these glimpses of the past on line for us to judge the effects of decades of wind and tide on the island beaches.
By Anonymous X
I really don't know how anyone with a longtime familiarity of Block Island can deny the existence of serious erosion.
Doesn't the monument by East Beach say "near this spot stood the house of Trustum Dodge"? It has been my understanding the "near" part meant somewhere offshore, maybe even where the ferry sails now. If you see the beach every day it looks the same. If there are gaps of time in your seeing the beach the erosion can be dramatic. I think one storm with the wrong set of circumstances could see the beach lapping right behind the police station.
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