Well my brandy new Sig Sauer Mosquito .22 cal arrived today and what a sweet little piece it is. It is threaded on the front end of the barrel. Gee, I wonder whatever that is for:)? It was bought along with a couple thousand rounds of ammo to begin teaching my three preteen granddaughters and two grandsons how to use a handgun properly. Granddaughter number 4 will have to wait a few years, she is only 18 monnth's old.
After a little "classroom indoctrination" in the cellar, at the reloading bench, into the finer points of gun handling and where and how to point it, and most importantly, why and when to point it, we will then move on to how to disassemble, clean, and reassemble the weapon. If you can't do those simple tasks,safely and efficiently, you have no reason to be handling and shooting these things. As we all know, there are too many incidents of accidental shootings because of unfamiliarity with any weapon, be it pistol, shotgun, rifle or even a six inch blade!
Then when they are comfortable with these rote actions we will move on to the actual shooting of the piece. We have no shooting range out here on the Island, so we have to resort to using the bottom of a sand pit with a nice soft hill side to absorb the hot lead. Also being down there in the bottom, hopefully any errant shot that might hit a bigger piece of rock will be deflected into the side gravel banks. Hopefully after a few boxes of rounds they will be on the road to proficiency with this weapon. Then we will move on up to his, Mosquitos, big brother, Mr. Sig Model 1911 S/S .45 cal.!
I can hear the comments pouring in now, and most of them in the negative vein. Like why would you want those kids to know how to shoot a gun? What if they hurt someone with it? Oh God, are they going to bring it too school? Girls don't NEED to know how to use a gun! Oh yeah? They need to know how to use one a lot more than the boys! How many stories do you see on the TV or the radio every day about someone abducting a young girl or teenager? How many of them are ever found alive and unharmed? Other than Elizabeth Smart, not to many of them. So don't be so damned fearful of every person who has a gun on their person. If he/she is a law abiding person, you'll never know they had it. If it is criminal with one, every one will know he has it after he uses it to gain whatever had taken his fancy at the moment! Maybe your life! A lot of the kooks have absolutely no regard for any human life much less yours! So maybe that good guy over in the corner watching this unfold will take action with his concealed weapon and save yours, as well as other lives!
So I am going to give my girls and boys the mental tools as well as the physical ones needed to protect themselves and their loved ones when it comes right down to it. For all you know, I could have a concealed carry weapon stuck in the back of my pants and you'd never know it. But it would be there if the time ever came when it needed to be deployed. The right to own, use, and carry a weapon isn't worth a rats ass if it is locked up in a gun safe at home with a cable through the trigger guard and the ammo in the basement in another locked box! It has to be where it is going to be accessible when the pooh hits the rotating airfoil! That old robber dude isn't going to wait for you to run and get your piece and get it loaded so you can scare him off before he blows your ass away! And don't be too complacent just because of where we live. All kinds of weird folks come visiting out here. Just look at all the NY license plates!TIC!!! TIFN
2-21-25 Sixth day
1 day ago
It must be uncomfortable sleeping with that loaded 45 under your pillow.
Not at all! Thats not where I keep it. Come on in some night about two or three and I'll acquaint you with it's location. Firearms are like fire extinguishers: When you need one, you need it badly, right now, and nothing else will do.
Preparation, not paranoia.
Is the third anonymouse talking to the second anonymouse or too me? It gets confusing when you all use the same name. I can't tell whether to laugh or print a smart-assed comment!
To the Just Wondering mouse, not that it is any of your concern,but yes they are all in agreement with me. See, they seem to understand that their kids just may decide to live some other place than BI, where nightly home invasions, murders, abductions, drive-by's, carjackings, and other random acts of violence may occur at any moment. Even the police will tell you to your face that there is not a damned thing they can do to protect you from all this shit happening to you. So it would behoove the prudent person who chooses to go forth into this type of a well ordered world/environment, to be able to protect THEMSELVES from such abuse! You on the other hand, are the type of person who will let it meekly happen to them, hoping if you grovel in front of the perpetrator, he will take mercy on your poor person and spare you any grief. Not going to happen! He will do as he wishes up too and including killing you,JUST BECAUSE HE CAN! If you are not dead, or your kids raped and murdered, you will be running as fast as you can to the nearest police station and demanding that they go forth immediately and rectify your problem FOR YOU! While previous preparation may have prevented it. Sometime in your life mr/mrs mouth, you should begin to take responsibility for yourself and your actions, or non actions, and quit badmouthing the other people in this world who have a few ounces of fortitude and elect to take care of themselves and others. Don't be a, "hide behind the nanny states apron strings wimp" for the rest of your life you chicken poop, backstabbing, no cojones, ass-wipe! Stand up and be a man/woman. You just might get to layback and enjoy the rest of YOUR life, however short or degrading it may be.
And the, "lay off the model plane glue" refers to what??
Home invasions on BI? yes you did miss that in the paper.
And last but by no means the least, Yes, Father knows Best!
The fool doesn't fall far from the tree.
And you took root right there apparently!!
Man, you have a seriously twisted mind and thought process! Because someone has been taught to protect themselves, they will grow up to be criminals? Isn't that a bit of a radical extrapolation? Whereas you would have us send them too college to be taught all the subversive bullshit that goes on in these liberal universities whose professors can't stand the US but will still take advantage of all it offers. And if all the MSM and internet stories have any credibility, a college degree isn't faring to well in the job market right now. Plumbers, mechanics, and electronics, electricians, etc, that is the blue collar working man are the ones pulling down the high wages these days. Seriously, you NEED to pull your head out of your ass and get with the program dude!
Nothing against blue collar workers, but they are not buying much real estate on BI these days. So spend time with you grand kids now, cause they will be living off island. Unless you have a half dozen building lots in your back pocket.
Thats just what I'm doing right now 'cause I also am able to discern that they most likely will have to flee this place, willingly or un_ _ _!
Handguns were invented for one thing, and it's not target shooting
Hey anonymouse chicken man, Heard the news by any chance? TWO, count 'em TWO, home invasions here on good old Block Island this past week! While the people were home even!
Better start practicing your home defense techniques!
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