I guess we are going to have to wait till next month for the beginnings of cabin fever to take effect and have people rampaging around, trying to relieve the boredom and dullness that has pervaded the Island this winter. Man there is nothing of note going on that is worth getting all in an uproar about. Althought there is a good one in the works in the form of the new management plan for the Old Harbor put forth by the Harbormaster Chris Willi. It is a good plan, and one that I have to say I advocated way back when I sat in a council seat. At that time it was poo-pooed by two fellow council-people as not being appropriate to BI as it would change the whole look of the down town area and not be something that the townspeople would want. Yeah right! Just like the tourism bldg. and Interstates freight shed was going to screwup the "viewsheds" down there so bad as to be intolerable to the normal person! What a crock ! Had it been done the Town would have been enjoying the fruits of it for the last ten years and it would be by now all paid off. So If this council has any fortitude left in their guts and hearts, they will immediately get on the stick and get the damned thing in the process of completion! Come on folks, do something proactive for a change without talking and analyzing it to death!
Oh BTW, the new, long, ongoing saga of the school looks as though it will be coming to an end in the very near future. Lots of little things left to do but all the major stuff is "virtually" done.
And if you need something entertaining to do on these not so cold winter days, go up to the new gym on Tuesday afternoons and watch these young kids in the 4th 5th 6th grades playing basket ball. There are a lot of "commers" in this group. Also hie thee hence and take in a few of the last home games of the JV and Varsity teams. They will provide you with an enough adrenaline to get you through the last dregs of the winter. I find it hard to believe the level of play that goes on up there. GO HURRICANES!!
I'm not nice before coffee...
23 minutes ago
'hie thee hence'? You HAVE had madrigals on the brain lately, haven't you?
Is that the past pluperfect of "hoe"?
Hi ho, hi ho ...
Get it?
Name that song if you can!
It is the seven dwarfs singing as they left their house for a day of mining diamonds! Probably so they could give them to Snow White in return for keeping their house nice and clean and baking all those pies and giving out random kisses and other 'little gifts!
Oh yeah Sam the rest of the words the way I was taught went like this, Hi Ho , Hi HO, It's off to work we go, with a shovel and a pick and a great big D---. Hi Ho, Hi HO HI HO HI HO!! Oh oh, now I stepped in it!
Yeah the dwarves ... Sleepy, Grumpy, I can't remember all their names.
Wasn't there a candy bar or a sweet cake called HiHo - maybe cookies? I distinctly remember going home from school and spending my newspaper route money on a Coke and a HiHo. We called them HiHo's, which would not be politically correct today!
Well, it appears that the management of Block Island Power Company continue to abuse ratepayer funds. The latest just in is that the late entry into the public bid process for the integrated resource plan was selected. Now who was this late entry, why it was the very same company that provided so called expert research into various energy sources for BIPCo in its last rate case. You know, the rate case that identified management fees as being excessive, and baseless. So, this is what happened. Two companies submitted bids on time, then BIPCo contacted this other company and got them to submit a bid AFTER the bid deadline. Here are a couple of important facts. This company's work for the rate case was so poor, it was discredited. Also this company's bid was high. Also, this study appears to be 100% funded by the rate payers. So, what we have once again, is the management of BIPCo taking ratepayer funds and using it for their own purposes. These guys have absolutely no shame, and are a great example of the parasites infesting this place. How the heck can anyone associate with this kind of vermin. They should be hauled before the Attorney General's Office and put in jail for theft and racketeering in my opinion.
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