
Politics, It's like a Country Road

Have you ever noticed that as you drive along down a winding country road, that the road starts to become a very good analogy of what politics is all about? As in politics, it has a center, left, and right. Now as you go along that road, you can veer a little to the left or right, or you can drive right off the edge into pure hate and anarchy. Dept. of Transportation people just label their road with the names Left and Right and you should stay in your lane. In politics though, we have taken to calling OUR side of the road, "Conservative", and the OTHER guys call theirs, "Liberal". Now just as in when you are driving your car along this road, if you maintain a steady course, you usually arrive at your destination in good order. But you can by inattention or intention, veer off the road by a little or a lot. The degree of variance really does determine what is to become of you, whether as a driver or a person. Will you go 'over the edge' too the right and become a Neo-Nazi or someone of that ilk? Or will you completely lose your mind, and for some reason cross that painted double line into the LEFT lane? And have you ever noticed that those people, once they get in that lane, THINK that they are doing just fine, even though they are going in the wrong direction! I'm not to sure what name attaches to those of the "far lefty persuasion" that are driving along in the bushes on their side of the road, but whatever the name is, it should have something that Identifies them too us all, so that we can avoid them like the plague. After watching the Judge Roberts confirmation hearings, I came away again, wondering if there were really that many STUPID people living in Mass.! How can they keep electing that buffoon that sat there looking like a chimpmunk, as he rails against a MAN with more intelligence in his little finger than Teddy has in his whole body, and who makes Teddy, look like he just recently descended out of the trees? A couple of million years too late I might add. Some one else surely has to write down his questions for him to ask, because he couldn't come up with one on his own if it didn't have the word "abortion" in it. That was virtually the whole line of questioning that he brought with him to the hearing. The guy is a laughing stock to every other thinking person in this country. Teddy, Why don't you just pack it in and go back to Hyannis and finish drinking yourself into oblivion so that we all can rest more comfortbly knowing that you are no longer a member of the United States Senate! You are a DISGRACE! GO HOME!! Oh PS: Careful of those bridges around Chappaquidic,(sp) They are a bitch! TIFN


Anonymous said...

The woman's name was Mary Jo Kopechne.
I don't understand the point of anonymous' posting?
Kennedy culpability? Investigations by the state and local police did reinforce suspicions that he was directly responsible for her death. One of my parents was a police detective for a major urban city. Examination of the material evidence -mostly the wrecked car- did not look like it supported Kennedy's story. There are probably some 'conspiracy theory' type books out there that review the details. I mention this because I don't understand the tone of the anonymous poster at 3:23.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 3.23
A twisted post from a twisted mind.
Get yourself some professional help.

Sam said...

Well, the Kennedys sure are an institution, aren't they? Loads of scandals, accidents, alcoholism, sex intriques, planes falling out of the sky, cars falling off bridges and so forth. The old man made his money by cornering the booze (scotch) and metals markets. If you or I did these kinds of things, they'd lock us up and throw away the key! I get the impression that Everett isn't a "Kennedy Democrat," to put it mildly.

Funny, lately I've considered myself a southern "Yellow Dog Democrat," which by comparison is pretty darned conservative. It is rather interesting to study the history of the two parties and how they flip-flopped, stole each other's planks, and polarized the nation in different ways. And don't forget the "independents" which started with the Whiskey Rebellion and the socialists and the commies! Mercy, people are funny to watch sometimes. One thing we've done, we've thoroughly confused the Europeans.

p.s. Everett, all these "word verification" things are driving me bonkers, as half the time I get them wrong ... the eyes are going south. Can't I just press my hand up to the monitor and you'd let me in?

Anonymous said...

Thank god most of us drive on the right side of the yellow line...

Sam said...

Everett, you've been doing hole shots at the stop sign and driving your LPG truck on the left side again?