Hi all, I realize I have been remiss with this thing for a long time. Man that Extra Corporeal Lithotripsy put me right on my knees for a long time. It felt like I had been in a fight in a dark alley with a bunch of muggers, ALL delivering kidney punches!! It has been just like having a bad case of mononucleosis(sp), which I have had before. I was making a continual circuit from the couch, to the chair, to the bed, to the floor! No place felt good. Anyway it all seems to be on the wane and hopefully I'll be able to come up with a viable comment in a few days.
I did have a short conversation with Peter Wood the other day and he asked me where I ever got the idea that he changed or left out parts of letters to the Ed. when he owned the paper. He told me in no uncertain terms that I was completely in the wrong there. If so, let this serve as an apology. If not,????????????. TIFN Everett