As is usually the case, nay, always the case, whenever a letter arrives in the paper that is at odds with the preconceived ideas of Mr. Spier, he takes it upon himself in his inimitable style to try and prove to his other admirer-er, that his view is the only correct one and all others are deeply flawed and suspect. It must be tough to live on such a small Island and not be able to find others of the same towering intellect to converse with in a rational and reasonable manner. So in the interim I guess the next best thing is to cast aspersions of mental deficiency on anyone who dares depart from the norm of the elitists among us.
So while we are using quotes from famous folks lets try and not let this one pass. It is also from Mr. Spiers first choice of mentors, Mr. Ghandi to wit;
- Many people imagine that they alone are right and everyone else wrong, and they do not consider that there is anything unworthy in forcing their point of view down other's throats. This error has to be rectified. If we are in the right, we must have infinite patience.
“August sources”? Although I am an agnostic, I'll give you Jesus and Buddha, but no way in hell will I give you Mohammed! And if you are not completely obtuse you will know why. While I was out there circumnavigating the oceans of the world, courtesy of Uncle Sam, I had hundreds of hours to read from cover to cover both the Bible and the Koran/Quran, plus a few hundred others as well.
You “suspect” very wrongly that my rhetoric is the product of Glen Becks TV program. I have seen about a total of 3-4 hours of his shows. So you are totally wrong on at least that one count, and who knows how many more. Oh I would love to hear your “moral and ethical rebuttals” of our positions. They will most likely have all been espoused before by all those sites listed below and your endeavors will be naught but a repeat and rehash of the same failed policies and ideas. You do so love to denigrate and demean other people in public arenas, witness your years on the Zoning board, and your most recent missive to this paper.
And I also could “fill the newspaper with facts, figures, and argument” to support my positions. From sources a lot more ethical than the NYT, the WashPo, Media Matters, The Huffington Post, The Daily Koz, Code Pink, and on and on ad nauseum. What is that old saying, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”? That is why I read those idiots!
Do you really want to do this debate in a forum where quite a few people will see it? Well I will give you the opportunity to avail yourself of that forum which is already in place and has been for six and one half years. Seeing as you deem this newspapers “Letters to the Editor”column to be an inappropriate location for said conversation, hie yourself to this spot on the internet, and there you may vent till your heart is content! You bring your numbers and I'll bring mine. We'll keep this list of topics you enumerated by the computer so as not to miss any of the subjects of which you think Bob Zeringo and I are so totally deficient in.
And for your edification, as most people are not wont to write letters to the editor for fear of being the subject of one of your hurtful tirades against them, in the course of the last two to three weeks I have had quite a lot of people either call, drop a note in the mail, or approach me on the street/store/post office to tell me that they approved most heartily of what I had written!
See you in the ether, but please, don't come as, Anonymous! Everett R Littlefield
ED. Please feel free to cut out anything you deem necessary as I am going to post this on my blog also. Just put a note at the end that the full text can be found there. I am, as are so many others before me, sick and tired of being on the receiving end of that mans oh so subtle invective! Thanks, Everett.
2-21-25 Sixth day
18 hours ago