Hey!!! If the congressional crooks from California, Georgia, and Florida can get hundreds of millions of dollars sent to their states from earmarks, to have the sand on their beaches replaced, only to have it disappear during the next storm, Then I can't understand why Jack Reed and S. Whitehouse can't grab a little money for, "one of the last greatest places on the Earth"! Why do we need it? Not to 'replace" the sand on our east beaches but to preserve it! How are we going to do that you may ask? Well just look at what appears off the starboard side of the ferry when pulling into Pt.Judith next time you go to the mainland. It is a great big long breakwater from here to there and it stops the Block Island Sound waves from obliterating the shore from the channel all the way over too the USCG Light house and station!
So if we were to get one placed from the end of the present breakwater to Clay Head, with a couple of gaps in it, It would be the salvation of our easterly facing beaches, which even the naysayers who used to read this cannot now deny the need for! That is if they have been down to the beach at high tide and with the wind blowing as it has been for quite a while. Check it out domani,(tomorrow) when the wind is supposed to be huffing at about 30-40 knots! It will probably do a fair job of covering your car with a nice crust of salt!
See? I can talk about something other than barry once in a while although he is still a lying two,err make that four faced,insufferable bore, and a low life thoroughly crooked Chicago thug, and a dyed in the wool SOB! Now all you Libs, in the inimitable words of "The One", don't go getting all "we-weed up" at my erudite ramblings!! TIFN
2-21-25 Sixth day
18 hours ago