I haven't been taking care of business here cause I've been busy getting the inside of the house back in shape after replacing every window in the place and giving it a completely new sheathing look. Hardee board and Azek trim on the outside and lots of elbow grease on the inside and it is still not done! Still have a set of steps or two to go on the outside and some sort of small decking to put the garbage cans on.
Well, that picture is NOT the house, but the one that we renovated with all the left over house siding and trim.
I'm going to have about 36-48 new residents living in there and I don't mean any illegal aliens! This one is called "Chez Galena" in honor of the Red Ladies from Rhode Island. That would be chickens of the breed RI Reds for all you folks not indoctrinated into chicken lore. Man I'm going to have the snootiest birds in captivity! The beds inside,(nests) are even made of leftover Azek pieces! The full length window in the door, and the door, is a recycle from the greenhouse!
Now it is time to get the fence put up to keep the little pesties out. That would be stray dogs, coyotes, little kids, and hungry humans with larceny on their minds! Then it is time to get going on the garden! See ya in the not to far away future, I hope. TIFN