Did anyone else happen to see Roger Clements little appearance at a congressional hearing a couple days ago? Just what the hell was he doing there? What in hell ever motivated those idiots to call him there in the first place? Are they in some way trying to "protect our youth" from the evils of steroid use? It didn't work the last time they tried it, so other than getting themselves a lot more face time, I wonder just what it is that makes them tick?
The part that really frost's my butt is that they are spending all this money and time on something they have no business sticking their collective noses in! Is not 'Major League Baseball" a private enterprise? They have hundreds of rules about how to play the game and what you can and cannot do as a member of these teams. So if one of their players wants to stick needles in his ass to grow bigger muscles, just how does that come under the pervue of the US congress? It is up to the owners of these teams to discipline their transgressors.
If it was up to me, they would sign a contract when they first begin their careers that says,"if you use illegal stuff ONE (1) time, you will be fired and can never play again in this league". Do you suppose something like that will ever happen? Nah! Not in my lifetime, or yours. TIFN