
Asshole in Chief

Just how disconnected and uninvolved is that friggin idiot in the whitehouse? He was making a speech to someone today and again showed his stupidity. Either that or he didn't have his tele-prompter turned. on.

He was spouting off about that bunch of terriorists in Syria/Iraq.  They go by the name of ISIS. And this idiot then showed his complete lack of knowledge when he called them, "ISIL" What a dumb son of a bitch! TIFN


Home on the Range said...

I often use the "term ass" with "jackass" interchangeably when referring to certain people.

ELittle said...

Just checking to see if this thing still works

ELittle said...

Looks like blogger moved me to a new location and changed the name a bit. It is now WWW.IslandVoiceII@blogspot.com. Come on over an see whats up